A Little Tongue In Cheek Humor For The Holidays
Those who know me well have heard me rant and rave about the loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States. As the years flow on, this sad state of affairs is going to hurt our economy more and more. Not everyone has the aptitude to be a technology worker. Manufacturing jobs provided good income, security and pride of workmanship to generations of Americans. No more.
In my view, there are two primary drivers for this. On one hand you have consumers who want to pay the absolutely lowest price for every durable good purchase. Most other aspects such as quality, convenience, support of the local community fall a distant second in consideration. Shame on us. I am willing to pay a little extra for an equivalent domestic product of equal or better quality.
In my view, there are two primary drivers for this. On one hand you have consumers who want to pay the absolutely lowest price for every durable good purchase. Most other aspects such as quality, convenience, support of the local community fall a distant second in consideration. Shame on us. I am willing to pay a little extra for an equivalent domestic product of equal or better quality.