On the announcement that Kermit Gosnell has been convicted on some of the charges related to his grizzly and gruesome abortion practice in Philadelphia, including three charges of first degree murder, the "pro-life" blogosphere has been lighting up. You can read more about the verdict here. I have read comments such as:

"Fry him."

"He is going to get what he deserves."

"I hope they put him to death."

Please keep in mind that these are not pro-life comments. In fact, these are anti-life comments.  These may be anti-abortion comments, but they are certainly not pro-life comments. I assert that to be pro-life, that one must be pro-life from conception to natural death.  Once you slide off the slippery slope of "exception" then it is difficult to climb back out.

Before Vatican II, Catholics were required to abstain from meat every Friday, as a form of penance in honor of the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross on Good Friday.

Growing up in mostly Catholic south Louisiana, everyone knew that there was no meat on Fridays. The seafood restaurants, always fairly crowded, were packed on Fridays.
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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