Many of my friends, acquaintances, and parishioners are not going to like this post. Oh, well, I have never been very good at maintaining popularity, so here I go.

A Hooter’s opened this week in my hometown, Slidell LA. Let's be honest. The main attraction at Hooters are not the wings.  The owl on the logo gives the restaurant (im)plausible deniability concerning the name of the restaurant.

Hooters is a restaurant that caters to people who think that it is a wholesome recreational activity to gawk at women's bodies. It is named after a slang word for breasts and features young women with who wear tight, revealing clothing. I went once to Hooters on a business trip in the late 1980’s.  I was embarrassed to be in there.  And this was well before I had my conversion experience.
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A LIttle About Deacon Paul
A LIttle About Deacon Paul
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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