Here are some business truisms on which almost everyone will agree:

1) The name of the game in business is to make a profit and maximize owner value over the long run - in general, people do not go into a business to lose money and become paupers

2) Businesses are usually seeking to retain and grow their customer bases

3) More customers mean more sales which usually means more profits, hence pointing back to item one on the list

4) Fewer customers mean less sales, less profits, and a slower growing if not shrinking business.

5) More economic activity means more tax revenue for the government

The US Population is now hovering around 320 million and not growing.  In the United States, there have been  approximately 55 million legal abortions since 1973.


This is an approximation of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell, LA on  the third Sunday of Advent, December 14,2014. The scripture readings on which this homily is based can be found by clicking this link.

A research study that I once saw asserted that the times people pray the most are 3) In Church 2) At meal time and 1) When they are in trouble.  That was pretty much me until about 19 years ago.

The Apostolic Prefecture of Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia is set to receive its first indigenous deacon during an ordination this week in South Korea. Bishop Wenceslao Padilla of the prefecture said the ordination of Enkh Baatar, 23, is something he has long looked forward to and coincides with the recent celebration of the Catholic Church’s 20 years of existence in Mongolia.

I am a fair to middling  writer. Some of the things I write are really good, some of them are real stinkers.  Most of what I write is a little better than average.  That is why I state that I am a "fair to middling" writer.  Every once in a while I get a sense of satisfaction when on occasion I write something really good, something that is worth having others read it.

I was planning on writing something really brilliant about the situation in Ferguson, Missouri.

This is an approximation of the homily I delivered on Sunday November 9, 2014 at St Luke the Evangelist Church at the 6:00 PM Mass.  This is the feast of the Dedication of the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.  The scripture readings can be found by clicking this link.

Aren’t there certain things in life that we just do, but we really don’t know why we do them? Take the handshake.  Do you know how it came to be?  In the ancient times, people traveled mostly by foot.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at the 4:30 PM Mass, Saturday October 11 and the 7:30 AM Mass on Sunday  October 12, 2014 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell.  On Saturday, I had the privilege of preaching to the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, with the Most Rev. Ronald Paul Herzog, Bishop of Alexandria, Louisiana as the principal celebrant. The scripture readings are for the twenty-eight Sunday of Ordinary Time and are available by clicking this link.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at the 9:00 AM Mass, Sunday  September 14, 2014 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell. This is the feast of the Exultation of the Cross.  The subject of the homily was - the Cross.

In Catholic churches, we don’t serve mocha lattes during services.  You will not see a painting of the Laughing Jesus hanging front and center. The goal of Mass is not to entertain us, or simply to make us feel good.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at the 6:00 PM Mass, Sunday August 10, 2014 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church.  The readings are for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time and are available by clicking here.

Before I begin this homily, I would like to give a disclaimer and a warning.  The disclaimer is that I am going to reveal some information from a private conversation between my 17 year old son Daniel and myself.    I do so with his knowledge and permission.

The following is an approximation of the Homily delivered for the Sixteenth Sunday or Ordinary time, July 20, 2014 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church, Slidell LA. The readings for this Sunday can be found  here at the USCCB web site.

Does the name Nathan Brown ring a bell for you?  Probably not. 17 years ago he went to a Louisiana prison for 25 years for attempted rape.

The following is an approximation of the Homily delivered for Trinity Sunday 2014 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church, Slidell LA.  I am not placing a link to the readings for the day, as this homily is based on the theology of the Holy Trinity in general, and not any of the readings in particular.

There are a number of things in life that we don’t fully understand, but we still believe in. Take for example, the sun.
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A LIttle About Deacon Paul
A LIttle About Deacon Paul
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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