What Are Your Attachments?
Below is an approximation of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell LA, at the 4:00 PM vigil Mass and the 7:30 AM Mass the weekend of November 7-8, 33rd Sunday of ordinary time, cycle B. The readings on which this homily is based can be found here.
The Center for Economic Studies has been keeping a statistic called the Happiness index since 1961. Along with economic well-being, the index measures responses to statements such as My life is close to how I would like it to be or I am very happy most of the time.
In 1961 the Happiness Index in the US was 42.1
In 1961, the average size of a new home in the US was 1,460 sq ft. In 2015 it was 2,600 sq ft.
The average number of TVs per household in 1961 was .7, today it is over 3.
The Center for Economic Studies has been keeping a statistic called the Happiness index since 1961. Along with economic well-being, the index measures responses to statements such as My life is close to how I would like it to be or I am very happy most of the time.
In 1961 the Happiness Index in the US was 42.1
In 1961, the average size of a new home in the US was 1,460 sq ft. In 2015 it was 2,600 sq ft.
The average number of TVs per household in 1961 was .7, today it is over 3.