What Do You Have In Common WIth the King of England, LeBron James, and Elvis?
This is an approximation of the homily I delivered on January 10, 2016 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church, Slidell LA. The scripture readings on which this is based can be found by clicking here.
The expression – he or she is“the anointed one” indicates someone with special skills or authority who has been pre-destined to fulfill a particular role or job. To be anointed means literally to be covered or smeared with oil. Such is the case with European Monarchs, who have been anointed as part of the coronation rituals since at least the 4th century as a sign of the sacredness of their role.
But not every “anointment” is accompanied by oil.
The expression – he or she is“the anointed one” indicates someone with special skills or authority who has been pre-destined to fulfill a particular role or job. To be anointed means literally to be covered or smeared with oil. Such is the case with European Monarchs, who have been anointed as part of the coronation rituals since at least the 4th century as a sign of the sacredness of their role.
But not every “anointment” is accompanied by oil.