Eternal Joy: To Know, Love, and Serve God
The following is an approximation of the two homilies that I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell, LA. The readings on which the homilies are based can be find by clicking this link.
In Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey describes the 7 habits or principals that people who are most effective or accomplished have in common. Habit 2 is to Begin With the End in Mind. Habit 3 is to Put First Things First. Highly effective people begin each day, task, and project with a clear vision of the desired direction and destination. They don’t get anxious, sidetracked or worried with unimportant issues or tasks.
In Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey describes the 7 habits or principals that people who are most effective or accomplished have in common. Habit 2 is to Begin With the End in Mind. Habit 3 is to Put First Things First. Highly effective people begin each day, task, and project with a clear vision of the desired direction and destination. They don’t get anxious, sidetracked or worried with unimportant issues or tasks.