The Power of the Spoken Word: Are We Listening?
The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at St, Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell Louisiana on the second Sunday of Lent 2017. The scripture readings on which this is based can be found by clicking here.
The spoken word can be very, very powerful. Sometimes, fewer words can be the most profound. . In November 1863 at the dedication of a cemetery, Edward Everett delivered a 14,000 word, two hour speech. Few here have ever heard of Everett or can recite a line from his speech. Following Everett, a second speaker who was almost an afterthought began his remarks with this, “Four score and seven years ago….” President Abraham Lincoln delivered what many consider the greatest speech of national purpose in the history of the world .
The spoken word can be very, very powerful. Sometimes, fewer words can be the most profound. . In November 1863 at the dedication of a cemetery, Edward Everett delivered a 14,000 word, two hour speech. Few here have ever heard of Everett or can recite a line from his speech. Following Everett, a second speaker who was almost an afterthought began his remarks with this, “Four score and seven years ago….” President Abraham Lincoln delivered what many consider the greatest speech of national purpose in the history of the world .