Weeds and Wheat: How Does One Tell Them Apart?
The following is an approximation of the homily I delivered July 23rd, 2017 for the 16th Sunday of of Ordinary Time. The scripture reading upon which this based can be found by clicking this link.
Even as a very young man, everyone knew he would end up no good. He skipped school. He was always big and powerful for his age, growing to 6’ 6” by his early teens. He was a bully, and beat up on smaller children. His mother was even terrified of him.
At 17 he became a mercenary soldier serving in several armies, killing people for pay. He made several fortunes and lost it all due to heavy gambling. He frequented prostitutes and teamed up with his father as a con artist. This was a very, very bad man.
Even as a very young man, everyone knew he would end up no good. He skipped school. He was always big and powerful for his age, growing to 6’ 6” by his early teens. He was a bully, and beat up on smaller children. His mother was even terrified of him.
At 17 he became a mercenary soldier serving in several armies, killing people for pay. He made several fortunes and lost it all due to heavy gambling. He frequented prostitutes and teamed up with his father as a con artist. This was a very, very bad man.