Being Afraid and Fear of the Lord: It Is Not The Same Thing
The following is a close approximation of the homilies I delivered for the 33rd Sunday in ordinary time, November 18th and 19th at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell, LA. The scripture readings on which this is based can be found by clicking this link.
What are you afraid of? I would be willing to bet that there are people her with fears that they think no one else has and would be surprised out how common the fear is. The website lists in order, the 100 greatest fears of people around the world. Some of these were not surprising. Number 1 is Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. #2 is the fear of snakes. I was afraid of the dark until I was at least 11 years old. That is Nyctophobia, #35 on the list and is apparently very common in children.
What are you afraid of? I would be willing to bet that there are people her with fears that they think no one else has and would be surprised out how common the fear is. The website lists in order, the 100 greatest fears of people around the world. Some of these were not surprising. Number 1 is Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. #2 is the fear of snakes. I was afraid of the dark until I was at least 11 years old. That is Nyctophobia, #35 on the list and is apparently very common in children.