The video below is the homily delivered by a Fr. John Hollowell for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary time, year B.  By comparison, the homily that I delivered for that weekend seems like lukewarm water.  Fr. Hollowell is a parish priest from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana serving as pastor of St Paul the Apostle  Church in Greencastle , Indiana.  Fr. Hollowell is also the Catholic chaplain, DePauw University and Putnamville Correctional Facility, while continuing as pastor, Annunciation Catholic Church in Brazil Indiana.

He addresses the clergy abuse scandal in one of the most frank and direct ways that I have ever heard from a member of the Catholic clergy.  I suspect that he is reflecting what many ordinary Catholics hold in their hearts.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered July 22, 2018 at St Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary time.  The scripture readings on which this is based can be found by clicking this link.

As a child I enjoyed watching cowboy western TV shows and movies. Many of them, featured the cattle drive. One of my favorites, Rawhide, had a great theme song which sold over a million copies.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered June 30, 2018 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell, LA for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary time, Year B. The scripture reading on which the homily is based can be found at this link.

One simple definition of faith is:  a firm belief in something that cannot be proven.

If I let go of a book, it is not a matter of faith that it is going to drop.
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A LIttle About Deacon Paul
A LIttle About Deacon Paul
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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