Breaking News! : Heavy drinking African Cleric With Out of Wedlock Child Up for Bishop
As if things have not gotten bad enough in the Church. Corruption. Scandal. Can you believe that a certain African cleric who HAS ADMITTED to having a fifteen year sexual affair with an unnamed Greek woman has become a candidate for Bishop?! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?!
He has admitted to fathering at least one child out of wedlock with this woman. I will name this man in just a moment. But first just a bit more about his character. I also have it from reliable sources that this man is very hedonistic, a "party animal" and alleged very heavy drinker. To top it off, the cleric has been documented to have preached heretical teachings from the pulpit. His homilies have definite tones of Buddhism.
He has admitted to fathering at least one child out of wedlock with this woman. I will name this man in just a moment. But first just a bit more about his character. I also have it from reliable sources that this man is very hedonistic, a "party animal" and alleged very heavy drinker. To top it off, the cleric has been documented to have preached heretical teachings from the pulpit. His homilies have definite tones of Buddhism.