God Is Not Fair - He Is Merciful
The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell, LA for Divine Mercy Sunday, the 2nd Sunday in Easter, April 28,2019
Americans seem to believe strongly in a concept of justice which we call fairness. If someone commits an offense, they should pay the penalty. Seems fair, right? Except, when you are the offender.
Years ago, I was driving right around the corner from my house and my mind was completely in another world. A sheriff’s deputy was there to kindly escort me back to earth. Sir, did you know you were driving 50 in a 35 mph zone? I could not lie to him. I responded: I live right around the corner. I complain about speeders here all the time. I can’t believe I did that. My mind must have been on another planet.
Americans seem to believe strongly in a concept of justice which we call fairness. If someone commits an offense, they should pay the penalty. Seems fair, right? Except, when you are the offender.
Years ago, I was driving right around the corner from my house and my mind was completely in another world. A sheriff’s deputy was there to kindly escort me back to earth. Sir, did you know you were driving 50 in a 35 mph zone? I could not lie to him. I responded: I live right around the corner. I complain about speeders here all the time. I can’t believe I did that. My mind must have been on another planet.