The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at Saint Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell, June 23, 2019 for the feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus (Corpus Christi).  The scripture readings on which this is based can be found at this link

Last week my wife Pam and I returned from long overdue vacation.  Part of our 10-day trip was driving through coastal Oregon and northern California.  We were not sure what to expect. What we encountered was absolute stunning beauty.   Dramatic overlooks from high cliffs to the Pacific Ocean, violent waves crashing over enormous rocks, jagged coastline, beautiful rocky beaches, endless trails, forests so dense that they block out the sun and absorb all the sound, redwood trees 20 feet and more in diameter, 300 feet and taller.
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A LIttle About Deacon Paul
A LIttle About Deacon Paul
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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