Care For the Poor: A Basic Christian Moral Obligation
The following is close approximation of the text of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church on Sunday September 22, 2019, for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, year C. The scripture readings on which this is drawn from can be found at this link.
No show of hands, but who in this Church considers themselves wealthy? Wealth is very much a relative thing. To the person with a minimum wage job, someone making $50k a year might seem wealthy. To that person, a six-figure income might seem wealthy and to that person, the athlete making $10-15 million per year might seem wealthy. Whatever the dollar figure, we can probably agree that the top 1% financially, are wealthy.
No show of hands, but who in this Church considers themselves wealthy? Wealth is very much a relative thing. To the person with a minimum wage job, someone making $50k a year might seem wealthy. To that person, a six-figure income might seem wealthy and to that person, the athlete making $10-15 million per year might seem wealthy. Whatever the dollar figure, we can probably agree that the top 1% financially, are wealthy.