The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary time, Year A.   The scripture reading on which this is based can be found at this link.

In 1948, a medical student named Bernie coerced his girlfriend to have an abortion, which were illegal at the time. He paid for it out of his own pocket. His own child!  Somehow in some twisted way, this must have been a positive experience for him as he decided to become an OB/GYN. He also became crusader for the legalization of abortion and would himself become an abortionist. Not just ANY abortionist. He was a significant contributor to the passage of the infamous Roe V Wade Supreme Court Decision.

The following is a close approximation of the homly that I delivered for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A. The scripture reading on which this is based can be found at this link

Some of you know that I have been a gardener for over 50 years.  I grow or have grown flowers, fruit and vegetables.  I grow some interesting things.  I had a magenta and a white gladiolus that accidently crossbred themselves in my garden.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidellfor the 14th Sunday of Ordnary Time Year A. The scripture readings on whch this is based can be found at this link.

When I was growing up fathers in popular culture were generally shown as good examples: good character, tough but gentle, wise, strong, and loving to their children.  One of the dads that comes to mind is Ward Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver.
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A LIttle About Deacon Paul
A LIttle About Deacon Paul
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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