The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered on June 26, 2021 for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary time year B at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell.  The scripture readings on which this is based can be found at this link.

Life is a very uncertain thing.   No matter how much we plan and how much we think we are in control, the truth is that we cannot be certain what is going to happen tomorrow, much less what next month or next year are going to look like.  Although he did not coin the phrase  Ben Franklin is often quoted as having said “ it is impossible to be certain of anything but Death and Taxes.”  

In light of my many health struggles, I find one of this topic so upsetting, so disturbing that it is almost impossible for me to talk about.  I start to tear up.  So as to not cause an upset here in the Church, I will never, ever preach about … Taxes.   However, death… that’s a different story.  As people of faith, we should be regularly contemplating our own mortality and future deaths in light of the Christian message of salvation.   We should be comfortable with the discussion of death and should  grow to accept that it is not something to be feared, but to be understood and embraced as part of our destiny.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus raises a little girl back to life. The raising of Jairus' daughter is meant to bring up the themes of life and death and life and after death - themes that lie at the heart of the Christian message of salvation. In the last two weeks of Gospel readings, Jesus shows that he has power over nature (the wind and the sea), over sickness, and over death.  So what do we have to fear? Why is this topic so difficult for Christians?  Even though Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter, she died again, all the apostles died, you and I will die.  It is a certainty.

 Most of us do not deal well with death. We avoid going to wakes and funerals .  We don’t know what to do or say.  We do not regularly speak of it in our homes, so our children and grandchildren never learn how to feel, or what to do or say when someone known by the family dies. Yet, we should not only be talking about death, but we contemplate our own deaths regularly.  Let’s see what scripture has to say about that.

 From Ecclesiastes 7:4 “Someone who is always thinking about happiness is a fool. A wise person thinks about death.”

 Book of Sirach: “In whatever you do, remember your last days, and you will never sin” (Sirach 7:36)

 Memento mori (Latin: "remember that you will die") is an ancient Christian spiritual reflection on one’s mortality. It reminds one of the passing, brief nature of this life which ultimately, should, mean nothing to us.  Memento Mori used to be very common and generally encouraged.  Now we only hear about it for 10 seconds a year…on Ash Wednesday – “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.” In the last 150 years life expectancy has risen in the US from 39 years to almost 80 years, so death seems so far away for most.  And in a culture that is obsessed with youth and looking young, death has become almost a taboo topic.

 For the Saints, however, death was always in the front of their minds. Many kept skulls in their bedrooms as a constant reminder of their mortality. The image of the skull also has been represented in depictions of many saints, including St. Jerome, St. Aloysius, and St. Francis, who used skulls in their spiritual reflection. And keep in mind that the feast days that we celebrate for saints are memorials of their deaths, the day that they were born into eternal life.

 There are those who insist that all talk of skulls, and bones, and death is morbid and should be avoided at all costs.   This point of view is mainly caused by fear. As Christians we need not be fearful of anything, including our own mortality.

 What is the benefit of contemplating our own death? It is related to what we refer to in the Church as the Last Four Last Things: death, judgment, heaven and hell. No one can avoid death or judgement and our choices in this life determine if we will experience heaven or hell. Daily remembrance of this reality is not morbid; it is actually life-giving, because it reminds us to live well and prepares us to die well. 

 What is our homework? I suggest two things this week.  If  the subject of death is on the taboo list in your home, that needs to change.  You, your children and grandchildren need to become comfortable with the subject of death from a Christian perspective – as the day we are born into eternal life.    Second, memento mori – remember your death.

 Unfortunately, there is no perfect formula for the meditation on death. And how you do it from day to day will vary. However, in just a few short minutes, here is one way you could go about it. First, think something along the lines of, I could die at any time. I could die today…tomorrow… next week Am I ready to meet the Lord?  If not, it is never too late, not matter what.

 Second, imagine yourself on your deathbed or dying suddenly. As you think about death’s inevitability and imagine it, allow your mind to think about it as a real event, not just to think about it in a detached way.

 Third, after you use your mind to think about this reality,  lift your heart in prayer. Whatever comes up during your short meditation on death, bring it to God. Listen to what he has to say in response to any anxiety and fear that you might experience.

 However you might chose to meditate on death, it is important to remember that, for the Christian, prayer is key. Christians do not meditate on death as a dark, dismal end. Jesus died for our sins, saving us from death. In the Christian context, the light of Christ streams through the darkness of death and fills it with the hope of heaven.

 God created us for life, to become beautiful, to become more and more like him, until eventually we leave this world and are united to him for always.  That is our destiny, this is something on which you can be certain.


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So that there is no misunderstanding, please be clear that this not a homily that you usually see in this BLOG..  It is just food for thought. Also, I am not against gambling.  I have been known to purchase one or two lottery tickets when the jackpot hits $200 million or so.  I also enjoy a friendly game of poker and regularly get together with friends for $20 buy in Texas Hold'em.   Last but not least, I have visited Mississippi Gulf Coast Casinos  several times, mostly for shows at the Beau Rivage, but a few times this included a little gambling on the low stakes blackjack tables or video poker.  I estimate that I am somewhere between $400 and $500 ahead when you total out all my trips.

My issues with the Slidell casino proposals are two-fold.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered on June 26, 2021 for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary time year B at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell.  The scripture readings on which this is based can be found at this link.

Life is a very uncertain thing.   No matter how much we plan and how much we think we are in control, the truth is that we cannot be certain what is going to happen tomorrow, much less what next month or next year are going to look like.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered on March 24, 2021 at St Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell, LA for the 5th Sunday in Lent, Year B.  The scripture readings on which is this is based can be found at this link.

It was hiding in plain sight. Have you ever heard this before?  It means that something that seemed to be hidden was actually out in the open.  For whatever reason, we just fail to see it.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered on January 24, 2021 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. The scripture readings on which this is based can be found by clicking this link.

In a Business Insider article entitled “16 People Who Worked Incredibly Hard to Succeed” the author wrote about people who did hard things to reach their goals.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church for the Feast of the Holy Family on December 27, 2020

A few years ago, I read what was supposed to be a funny story. There is a grammar school that puts on an over-the-top Nativity play each year. They always have a line of people trying out for almost all of the parts – but few for the role of the innkeeper.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered the weekend of November 14 -15 at St Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidell.  The scripture readings on which this is based can be found at this link 

Fear is defined on as “an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.. “    .  According to one authoritative list, the # 1 fear in the world is that of spiders.  #2 is snakes.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered for the 19th Sunday of Ordinary time Year A.  The readings on which this homily are based can be found at this link

On the 8th grade, basketball team, I was making about 20% of my free throws. In one game, I missed all 13 free throws. That was the last straw for my coach. He made me shoot 100 free throws or 10 made ones in a row after every practice. I almost always shot the hundred.  But I did get a lot better, making about 65%.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary time, Year A.   The scripture reading on which this is based can be found at this link.

In 1948, a medical student named Bernie coerced his girlfriend to have an abortion, which were illegal at the time. He paid for it out of his own pocket.

The following is a close approximation of the homly that I delivered for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A. The scripture reading on which this is based can be found at this link

Some of you know that I have been a gardener for over 50 years.  I grow or have grown flowers, fruit and vegetables.  I grow some interesting things.  I had a magenta and a white gladiolus that accidently crossbred themselves in my garden.

The following is a close approximation of the homily I delivered at St. Luke the Evangelist Church in Slidellfor the 14th Sunday of Ordnary Time Year A. The scripture readings on whch this is based can be found at this link.

When I was growing up fathers in popular culture were generally shown as good examples: good character, tough but gentle, wise, strong, and loving to their children.  One of the dads that comes to mind is Ward Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver.
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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