So that there is no misunderstanding, please be clear that this not a homily that you usually see in this BLOG..  It is just food for thought. Also, I am not against gambling.  I have been known to purchase one or two lottery tickets when the jackpot hits $200 million or so.  I also enjoy a friendly game of poker and regularly get together with friends for $20 buy in Texas Hold'em.   Last but not least, I have visited Mississippi Gulf Coast Casinos  several times, mostly for shows at the Beau Rivage, but a few times this included a little gambling on the low stakes blackjack tables or video poker.  I estimate that I am somewhere between $400 and $500 ahead when you total out all my trips.

My issues with the Slidell casino proposals are two-fold.
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A LIttle About Deacon Paul
A LIttle About Deacon Paul
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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