The Record of Gambling In Louisiana is Terrible: Think Long and Hard Before Voting For A Slidell Casino
Remembering Your Death: Lifegiving Moments In Christian Spirituality
FedEx, Baskin Robbins and Jesus Christ: Hiding in Plain Sight
Can You Drop Your Net?: Being a True Christian is Really Hard.
Your Chance To Change the World: Become A Holy Family
Fear of Spiders and Snakes: How Do They Relate to Fear of the Lord?
Shooting Free Throws and Your Relationship WIth Jesus: What Do They Have In Common?
Judging Actions vs. People: What is the DIfference?
Hearing The Word of God: Its Time to Ammend Your Soil
Fatherhood: Important for Earthly and Eternal Happiness
I Told You It was Coming!: Catholic Chaplain of MIT Forced Out For Speaking the Truth
Fear No One?: Well Not Exactly and It Depends What You Mean By Fear
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions:Consult With the All Knowing One
Your Elevator Pitch: Changing the World In Two Minutes Or Less
Working Up A Good Thirst:How Will You Quench Yours?
The Cobra Effect, Law Books, and Traffic Regulations: God's Law versus Man's Law
Finishing Strong: LSU Tigers, Holiness, and Heaven
God's Will or Your Own: Choose Wisely
Care For the Poor: A Basic Christian Moral Obligation
Political Correctness and Christianity: Are They Compatible?
Are you a Mary or a Martha?: A different point of view
Redwoods and the Eucharist: Taking It For Granted
Love One Another: What Did Jesus Mean By "Love"?
God Is Not Fair - He Is Merciful
Beating Your Slaves, Topless Sunbathing, and Decency: What Do You Think?
Listen and Obey: Entering Into Holy Silence
Trust In God, Ice Cream Sprinkles, and Walter Cronkite
Quid Mihi et Tibi est: Understanding Bananas and the Blessed Virgin Mary
Joy,, and Kevin Durant: God Speaks To Us In Ways We Would Never Expect
Your Home Is For Sale: Are You Ready?
Breaking News! : Heavy drinking African Cleric With Out of Wedlock Child Up for Bishop
Counterfeit Christianity: Faith Without Works, the Gospels of the Environment and Prosperity
The Real Presence, Clerical Abuse, and Gangrenous Infections
Father John Hollowell: "Woe to the Shepherds Who Mislead and Scatter the Flock"
Christian Leadership: Are You A Drover or a Shepherd?
Faith: Are You Just Bumping Into Jesus?
Shame and Guilt: When it Can Be A Good Thing
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Unwrap Yours and Be Amazed
Grafted on to Christ: Producing Much Fruit
Christians Filled With the Holy Spirit: Unwrapping our Gifts.
Mass Shootings: We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us
Overcoming Habitual Sin: Prayer and Fasting Are An Ancient Remediy
Follow the Leader With Jesus: Are You Ready to Play?
Joy and Happiness: What is the Difference?
Being Afraid and Fear of the Lord: It Is Not The Same Thing
The Secret to Contentment:Prayer , Solitude, Knowing God
The Secret to Contentment:Prayer , Solitude, Knowing God
Take A Knee or Take A Stand: Protest vs. Posing
The Scarlet and the Black :Forgiving As God Forgives
Forming Your Conscience: Be Transformed By The Renewal of Your Mind
How Is Your Prayer? : God Is Not the Genie in the Lamp
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A LIttle About Deacon Paul
A LIttle About Deacon Paul
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Slidell, Louisiana, United States
I am a Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of New Orleans with a ministry of charity to inner city youth at Cafe Reconcile.
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